Fikra: An Israeli Forum for Arab Democrats
A surreptitious WINEP project is pushing cataclysmic regime change in Syria
By Maidhc Ó Cathail
The Passionate Attachment
February 21, 2012
On February 10, subscribers to Fikra Forum’s mailing list received a bilingual (English and Arabic) letter from director David Pollock informing them:
In reaction to last week’s exclusive Fikra Forum report, Inside the Syrian Army by Ilhan Tanir, contributor Josef Olmert and I present analysis on how the U.S. and the international community should support the FSA [Free Syrian Army].
Five days later, Fikra Forum subscribers received another email with the subject title, “Leading Syrian Activist Calls for International Intervention.” In his introductory note, Pollock explained:
As the international community struggles to halt the Syrian regime’s brutal assault on its people, Fikra Forum would like to share our newest piece by Radwan Ziadeh, an official with the Syrian National Council and executive director of the Syrian Center for Political and Strategic Studies. Ziadeh calls for intervention, urging the international community to form a coalition that legitimizes the SNC as the unified representative of the Syrian opposition and acknowledges the council’s plan for the future of Syria.
At the bottom of both Fikra Forum emails was the following address:
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy | 1828 L STREET NW | SUITE 1050 | WASHINGTON | DC | 20036 | US
[…] Keep in mind that the ‘JINSA crowd’ was after Iraq for Israel as well via their ‘Clean Break’ agenda which was also mentioned by James Morris during that RT ‘CrossTalk’ broadcast linked above! Even The Daily Beast censored the link out of a recent piece about ‘Neocon Newt’ Gingrich as the following blog entry by Maidhc O’CatHail conveys (scroll to comments section at bottom of following link if interested further)!: […]
Israel Lobby Pushes for US Action Against the Syrian Government
February 21, 2012 at 12:56 pm
[…] surprise here. After all, Israel has long been friends with the Syrian opposition. […]
Syrian opposition wish to “be friends” with Israel « The Passionate Attachment
March 1, 2012 at 9:22 am